Marcy Davis Piano Studio - Piano for Adults

Marcy Davis Piano Studio

5930 River Road, Keizer, OR 97303


Enhanced Private Lessons for Teen Beginners          (a.k.a. Keys Club)

Lesson Format

Shared lesson - 2-3 students per 90-minute lesson. Meets weekly. Tuition: $125/month. Lesson time includes a combination of group activities, individual work with the teacher and time spent in the music tech lab.

Music Technology Lab

Engaging themes such as Bass Clef Boot Camp and Beginning Basic Training combine music learning with the challenge of a video-game environment. Students can choose from a variety of activities and challenges. The goal is to build skills while providing immediate feedback. And of course, fun!

We'll make use of apps such as Piano Marvel, Piano Maestro, Flashnote Derby and Note Rush, along with more traditional games and activities. 

Group activities add a social element to learning and help to develop the listening and rhythm skills necessary to play in a group of musicians.

Music practice can be a lonely endeavor; it can be hard for students to have a sense of their own progress. Music lab activities provide concrete goals and measurable accomplishments, all while building the musical skills students will need to play the music they love.


Beginner lessons introduce a broad base of fundamentals such as technique, rhythm, note reading and chord playing, with a special emphasis on playing pop music that interests today's teens. 

Books and Materials

Tuition includes the loan of all books and materials (with the exception of special request items not in the lending library). Students' wish lists guide my library purchases; let me know what you're dying to play, and I'll do my best to find a way to make it happen.

Tuition also includes app fees and subscriptions for powerhouse apps like Piano Maestro and Simply Piano. The exception is Piano Marvel, as their structure does not allow teachers to pay for the entire studio. For this reason, students will need to pay for a monthly subscription (1 per student) to Piano Marvel ($12.99/month discounted price for my students).

With the exception of Piano Marvel, tuition is intended to be all-inclusive. Students will not need to purchase books or materials unless they have special wish-list items I can't provide.